Crime Prevention Officers
Crime Prevention Officers (CPO) educate and assist community members in becoming more aware of their own safety and taking a proactive role in the reduction of crime and eliminating the opportunity for crime.
The day-to-day role of Crime Prevention Officers in 22 Division can vary, but it usually starts with a review of the morning report — a record of occurrences and arrests from the previous day. Individuals who have been victimized by a Break-and-Enter incident (residential or commercial) are contacted and offered a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) audit of their property — providing proactive advice on how to minimize the risk of future break-ins. Victims of crime are also offered a crime prevention toolkit, containing educational pamphlets on various types of crime and how to minimize the risk of becoming a victim.
Crime Prevention Officers reach out to individuals seeking advice or guidance and follow up with on-going issues (such as neighbour disputes, persons living with mental health challenges, vulnerable seniors, etc.) and may also be assigned workflow occurrences to follow-up on and investigate, usually pertaining to on-going neighbourhood issues and/or concerns. Where possible, Crime Prevention Officers will notify social agencies to become involved in assisting with such issues and/or individuals — which is where the Community Resource part of the job comes in.
As part of their proactive approach, Crime Prevention Officers also lead group lectures to better educate community members on how to reduce crime by eliminating the opportunity for crime and how to safeguard against becoming a victim of crime.
For more information, please visit: tps.ca/organizational-chart/communities-neighbourhoods-command/field-services/community-partnerships-engagement-unit/crime-prevention/
Crime Prevention Officers in 22 Division — @TPS22Div
Const. Marco Ricciardi (#8016) | Phone: 416-808-2251 |
Const. Hillary Dean (#9280) | Phone: 416-808-2274 |
For more information or crime prevention tips, please visit our Crime Prevention Library, or follow @TPS22DIV on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.