Volunteers Needed for the 2019 Special Olympics (Ontario) Invitational Youth Games
The 2019 Special Olympics Ontario Invitational Youth Games will take place from Tuesday, May 14, 2019, to Friday, May 17, 2019. The Games are expected to attract 2,500 athletes and coaches, 1,000 volunteers, and many tourists to the Greater Toronto Area.
Toronto Police Service has had an amazing partnership with Special Olympics Ontario through the Law Enforcement Torch Run for well over 30 years and because of this, the Service has been given the great honour of being the “Honourary Host” for the games and has graciously accepted to take on the challenge of helping Special Olympics Ontario organize and run the games.
As such, we are currently looking for adult and youth volunteers interested in helping out during the Games. If interested, the first step is to sign-up on the online registration portal at youthgames2019.com/volunteer/
If you have any questions, please feel free to contactvolunteers@youthgames2019.com